Page 363 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 363


    Tohler - the Swiss cnocolate ~anuiaeiuring ~irm 9X'Oduced a
~al:ies o£ l.a.bel.s adverhsin,; their chocolate and illustrating
old and nQW postage statnps. T'he label below depidoi the 3/-

v•lue o'!' the 1921 J>idorial i1>sue of Je~lnaica and the "stamp"

ie overprinted 11l='acsirnile1• i " reil lnixea se:rii i,ype.

TOBLER                             -
            SWI $ $ M ilK

I'll' 011~ SlRlf s,• N< .~) I'JII

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