Page 366 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 366

"TOO LA T£".




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Cover f'ro111 Morant Bay io Al>e:rdeen bearing Mor-ant :Bay
Type 2a. dater of the 30th :Tanuary, 1852, J( in~on, Type 7h

!later of the ~1s-t January, 18.92., London :rece1ve:r da-l:er of
the 18th Harc:-b, 1852 and Aberdeen recei ve.:r dater o£ t.he
1~th 11a:rch, 1852. 1\'ai.e~ ai. 1/2d i.he all in packet rate
t he cover bears "roo LATr" randsiatnp , Type 'l'U etr1lc'k in

blsc'k ink.
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