Page 367 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 367

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            o~ HIS ~{AJESTY's

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 o.H.H.S. recistered let~er f~oa the q.p.o. ~1h~n to £nelond

 endorsed in pencil "Under zt os". \'he covar beare the •FJI££•
 h~nds~....p 'oOrded "Gfi(£RAL POST OFf'ZC£, J"AI4AlCA • but as tree

 po~ fecilit!ee onl¥ opera{ed wtihin the island the coYtr h••

 been tral\kad at 7cl, ibe 8iolliPS 'oe1~ cancell eel b_y kinseton

 re&isirahot> daters of ihe "3lat Aucurl, 1901. The cover "bears

 tlte st~all type of "TOO LA'I'E" hondsiaap, U,~ wordins b•inc 19 X
 21a11, wtfhil' a sepan-t o:t a eirc:.le, 25 lt 'Ti•• struck i" l>lecl< lltk.
 the ~evetae bears »irM1neham al\cl !r1stol receiving da~ere both

 ot the 18th Septe~bat, 1901.
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