Page 365 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 365

Too ta!e.



Letter fro• Kin~aton to Du~trie6 ~it~•n o~ ~he l4ih March,
18~:;1 ihe leHu- ._.,~ -too t.le tol" -\he N.rch pacl<et to Eetbrul
and w.e n•ld over by t~e ro•t•l authoritiea tor the April
pacl<...t. 'l'o e~<ph:i.n ibe dela¥ ilha-l there woulcl b• i:he uH~r

'Maa \.end~alllptd in lotack \otlth 'r¥P• 'L'L. 2 •'too LA"!:~ lllarlcins.

tt waa ratrd at 2na, U.e paclce! c'barce o~ 1./U plu• lcl, ihta

letler char,. -••• ptaai\ly, ~ p~ the Goottieh TOll ~·~ tee,

which wa" onl~ til. 'rite re11eu& 'beare Kina:non d41i•a- ot Hoe.

1A\'h April., tSaS - i:'he data of •ailin.. of the Arri't f'acket -

ancl was received in Seohatta 01\ the JU~ l'lar. 1825'.
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