Page 368 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 368

"Too Late " .

                                     Type TL S.

1d blue poaial stationery card from Kingston io Canton,
u. s. A. bea.r i ng "TOO LA rE:" hands tamp, Type TL 5 atruck in

bla ck i n\c. Tne carcl is cancelled by Kingstoh double circle
dater of tne ~rd December, 1896 1 iogeiner wiih ~o~~on

sl ogan dater on ihe ocverse ot tqe 14~h Dece~be~, 1896 ,

and Can~on receiving dster on the rev~rse o~ the j5tn

De.cemb&r, 1896~
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