Page 358 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 358

The Voice of Prophecy .

Shown below are the f1-ont and bacl< of rc:pJy carcls B•nt io the

;)"a111eican offIce at Handevi11e. eoih carcl s are :l't 0a SpOIIiSl.
Town, the top ctncl bear1ng SpanUh 'j'OWn •u•chi11e dater ot the
lot M4rcn, 1967.

                  __-_.,.. ...

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                                         VOICE OF PROPHECY

                                                          P.O. BOX 22

                                                MA'IilEriLLE. J \MAIC'A

I v..l~h to avai; ni)'self or Jumaic.-'l"s newest rree hf.alth"'
Bibl~ Correlponu nee C'<JUr oC tO le= offered '>Y the
\"o et" o! Prophecy owr lt.c:tio A 81 ·le Cour~ •hnt
conqucn fears, builds confidence, and ~'>l~Hks peace to

trouhh·tl hf'art!l. It hl•inJ.t' rl<'arly u ndrrnt01)1l that I phtC4' my-

H. under no flhli,V'at iOJI wh.._ t ·o('ver. pleaJII(' tuJnd tho r.nt
LWO ·~or-~ and ir ...n ...t :n. .
                                         Thnnk 'O:.J.

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\\ e lllso c:.tfer a JJpt:-cial rour:se

Jmpur tnnt, Plea"'~ to~tnt e :tQ:e.
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