Page 357 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 357

The Voice ot P.ophee1 •as en A•erlca~ radto •tat!on \roadeast~ng
fra. coasl ic coost in the u.s.A., sending o~t reliCioua

pr~r~~·· and otterinc 8>hle correspondinc couraea. One ot its

""'"' offices wa.r in r.o~ An~rol es a»6, t also h»cc an office ai

Mandeville in J''"""'ca. It sec•s -l:o op•rate<l fro• at lea~t

1942 •.o: ~'here are ohow holo" both slilu of a •silver anttloersary"

card i'sued in l96?· The ~op card i& c~ncell~d ~iih daier or

lho 27~h Pabruary, 1967.

Slip /u the &urr  I IIHI YOICI Of PROPHICY
                   -··'- 'EIIIIIt C Mu ' 1 .....
   352   353   354   355   356   357   358   359   360   361   362