Page 355 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 355

''The Salvation Army".

                          THE SALVATION ARMY


                               Lt.- Colonel H. Estill ,
                                      ?rins nendrikkade,

                                     49- 51, AMB~A¥.

                                             HOLLAND .


                   ...o . eox 153.

                           J A M A I C A • • •W . I ,

Cover from the Salvation Ar.y Territorial Headquarters,

Kings-ton, io "Lt. ~Colonel H. Eshll" (of the Salvation
Army) at Amsterdam. tranked at ;d, the staMps a r e
cancelled by Kingston dater of the ith May , 1940. On the

lOth ~ay, 1940, the qer~n Army invaded Holland and the

cover bears a two line fra med hand statnp in purple "NO

SE'RY!ce/RETURN TO SENDER" , which was probably applied to

the cover when i t reached -tne United K i n~dom in tra nsit.
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