Page 272 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 272

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<X>ve'r :tt-orn 110nter:o ll3y -\:o CoUl.JOdon, Enslaod fl"ankeil at eel 1<1 th

t1orrhso :Ba1 da-k" o.f too 1oth J"ut~e, 195o. r~ ) ·the.

li>Collt p\"Od~cQq .,,;.,.,_.,.line £ra1>1ed handstomp, ~'2 x 15mm, $truck

\" ~urple 1.til<. '!'he "4" cvnh·,~ rah~ i11 ttanuJICt'il>t 1>/ould llave

'\)etm nppH ed at the con\:rzsl So-rl:ins 02tice ., ~ \(it'l86ion. Tile

-iM) rsh:.s UJ:uallY seen aYe 4"!<e f'or su:rl•ce mril and 11

uoh~ f'or air II!Oil. 'l:"iro 4 cen\i;ne.s sltown l!> fer dooble -!he
tc1•Clel.'icHnc,y tJf s
                         but t).:l~ cover 8f'P~YS l:o ),.w~ been over

c'hatac>CI a!! i:-l bea"CS 1:-..o ~cl1'osh£{e llue £tMR&.
   267   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277