Page 273 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 273


Cover J't·o~< HanilevUl e -to Leicest.n: beariua on the revnse a

block of tour i;"d s-l:alliPS cnncelled by ~andeville &t-er ot the

~9th F"ebruart, 1951. ])ue to tn• dev,.luation of and

x-:ol:e changes a nev< 1\mtilrlBiliP ~tal' r-oquire>il and such provisional

Mrkillg was created - !l'Ype ll 9d - bl' re111oving i:}le f"j wrep il-om

an uniscuad nandstaOlp ana inserhns- He ne-.t t<Ji:e >n l1aD~l$Cripl;.
Of\lY \;he rshs "4" ano "7" ;,re t'ecot-ded tor this type .

The cove.- ooa-..s ll 90. 'wi-\:h bi$JlUSCJ:ipt "4" in blue crayon and la
Uni~ed Kingdom Foreign Section nahdStahp in "black in~ .

The cover- also Ut\itea l<ingao., Jd 1'ost<>ge Due wnich is
cancelled b~ "the r.a:rel,rseen" da~e~ •·Posl'~rH •S Orf'!CI: lEIC~~'r£R"

m.oil<int o£ the 7\:."h March, 19?1.
   268   269   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278