Page 275 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 275

'l'.ax Marld ngs.

In fho early 19~0's (lue -l:o inflation and the co•l:inu<>l cl,.,ges

in the valu e. of th~ ~;old cen1o~me a """ range c£ hither value

l1andstaonps "'""' irttroduceil, tnese ~e Single li.neiJ Sql>o!ll'e

lllar\CirlgS, 24 x 2411.., struck 1n .Pur~l e in"lc. .some of {he•e •orl(s

aate.appe;~r · wiih a s:epar.ot~ly struck  ~nd)ca'ii n& wnon the ..ail<

Wos appli~d. 3l•o ill the s.>"" inlt, and-to d.,te are tl.e only

~xs,ples recorded of " "daiea.. tax 1t1ark.

   C.f ·?.o. .aoJ( 4o6 1

      l_!l~- l<!tvqS7oN'

                         J A~I91C~

coveY frorn ~ennlla, Australia io ~ineston £ranked by ~en•l l~
doter o.£ the Jlat oc:l.obor, 1953· 'rk cover bear6 Aushalian
tax otarkin& in blael< in.k ,.,,a tl,e 1\e>t handsta"1!, "~/-" s·kowing"

the de£\cienc.y ro:t i~>terhal collection. lt also l>ear.; tne
Se,P•raie dohr ot ihe ~n IJovehiber, 195;3.
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