Page 271 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 271

Tax )far-1'ings.

on ·he l8~h Ser,>te•>her, 1946, $terling >~<>.s devslu ed a Mile by t"ho

~~nK of fng<and t),a± c~u r~ Colon{~l Fost~&siors ~ihout a
s tri"tao"le "handsta"f' to convert i o the 11ew "sold cent i .. e• t·,.t~> o£

7 centimes told and 4 cenhmes-\:o 2;d . As a roes"li vorious
·,.,antjscript conve>~i.ion trod:io11s opp&arsd, n>ertl,y £or onl.y • sl>ori

j>edod tlle i 't..m eno\OI!t below is a.iQ:l 1949·

                                                                               be ued for t:e'Wflli*fi'Jrf ~
                                                                               Uowe~~l 1-. MDl at tbe Boo~

                                                                                          ,....,, . . , kltWr Yl' CVfiiiDlllli ~

                                                                                            or 01het'«'


                   a. v .s warbrtcJr. Be,. •
                                        "SolYiat a •
                                16, York u . •
                                           st. Anna. on sea,
                                 .. LAWCS: -

  ~apper from Kingston to st. Annes on Sea trankeq at ld >dih

  ~l n~ston datal· o£ ike :!nd />Ueusi, 1949. :rl oQa~s Mnu script

  ' 'l' 4/~o· tax marking in 'blue crayon .
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