Page 267 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 267

T):O: sill'il~r covers~ t'he iop cov&r ftOI'1'\ t1ooeseua to Scotland a nd the.

lowe< CoVQr- £rom l?od to (1.1.""~"' · aoth oQa< "T ld" in

blue. m•n\lsc~i pt Cr3yon and 3ppea.r to b-avo b<>en endorsed by the

so me olerk . In these caSus t he cl e.-le lt<> s o~>lY deno-ted ~l.e

rlerl\ "S' amount d ue and h"s ignor<lil -l:he cenh111e conve:r.-ion

fraction. '!'he -to p cover also bco<S l}ni-l.ed Kin11dom ld tax
~<Kins ih black ink.
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