Page 262 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 262

Tax Marki nga.



V!.J. '~~'errtfl''!' Eeq.
        15 62 We etvie'll Ilri VG 8, \1,

            Atl "''tn

id <;eor~e Vl poml stationery card with extra id value
added tr.,., Ora~e :say io Atlanta, u.S.A. -the card bein&
cancelled by Orange :Sa y double circle da.tar of the 15th

Decentber, 1939. The c;n d bears "J'411AIC,o, • '.L''" and "10

CE:NT1NES" hl>ndsbcops strucl( in black inlc showin~ a.

deficiency of id, and New 'fork single circle dai:er a nd

"DUE 2 cENTS" handstamps also llhuck :in blaok ink.

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