Page 260 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 260

Tax 11arkings .

       ~~~·. , ···


Cover from Gayle ~o Chica~o, U.s.A. frankea ai l~d, t~e

siamp being cancelled by ~ayle doubl e circle daier of ihe
21st ociober, 19J9- The cover bears "J'ANATCA '1'" tax
handsiamp and "30 cEH'r1MeS" nandstafllp, bofh shuck in

black ink . The 30 Cenii1r1ee charge ~akes up the deficiency

and ibe cover also bears tiew York ta>< !lial'ldngs , the 1id
deficiency being convened i ·o 6 cent.s .
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