Page 257 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 257

Tax M"rki ngs.



Cover £~om~ichmond io Brandon, Manitoba, Canada franked

by a pair of the id King George V iss~e cancelled by

Richrr10nd double. circle dater of the 7th J"uly, 1931. The.

cover· has been taxed at id, bea• ing Jamaica "T'' tax and
•10 CBNTJMeS" handshll!ps botn struc\c. 111 purple, togefher

witq Canadian 2c posiage due stamp and "2" handstamp

etruc~ in blacK. The reverse bears Montreal Ko. 854
dater of the 1!ith July, 1931, strucK in pu.rple in!< .
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