Page 254 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 254

'il'aX Ma.r:}(ings.




cove:r from S-1:. Anns :Say to Mancheste:r f:ranked at ld, the
stamp beinc cancelled by st. Anns BaY double circle dater
of the 17th August, 1926. The cover bea:rs "J"AHAICA 'T'"
gnd "10 CE:N'J'lt1eS" handstampG .,;l:ruclc: in purple, ioy.ther
with United Kin~o~ ld TO PA~ handstamp and 1~ Postage Due
value. cancelled by /'lancbu,ter datet- o£ 1:he 6-/:h September,
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259