Page 252 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 252

Ta x HarJ<ing .

                               IIUI VANCT CU!WlD ,
                                                .1-Q R'~e ty.Qnep ·.a.i, Oa •
                                                        ..PA!l*C, FRA:lC;:; •

Cov~ r f r om l<illgstoa to "P;aris, readdreas;~d to Cnatea\l

Car,~nnac, Lot, France, besl"in' air tnail labe-l which hole

c•ncell.ed 'by i'he 'barred '\).ndaiatnp struck. 111 purple in1<. as

1he leiter went by sea from New ~orK. Tha cover bears

stsmps -\to the value ot 9d, to::e.the:r- with ;ra.,ai ea "T" Tax

handsi:amp and'20 ceNTIIil!S" han<lstamp both G'i:ruck in purple

ink. The "20 CENTIMES" handstabp waa 6pplied to snow a.

defid.eney of id, and t'he re..erse 'bears "CARBNNAC/ LOT"

l'eee i ving da\e.r of i:'he 22nd Septembe.J", 1932, -tl.e
being cancelled on t he l~n September, 1932.
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