Page 268 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 268

Tax Markings .


Two coven~ to Kansas City, U.S.A., the top cover .f':t-om

l'ort !iaria franked a-1: ztd, the stamps being cancelled by

l'ort Ma.ria double circle date.r of' tne 22tld Ma.y:, 1947.

The lower cover is £rom l?orl Antonio, being franked at
H .d, cancelled by "Street Letter :Box - l?ort Antonio11

date:t- of the 21st May, there being no year visible.

"Boih covers bear ;rAt-fA!CA "T" taxlng handstam~s. and tre

acc0111paey1ng challfU!g ltandstamps; \;he to p covet- has been

rated at 10 CENTIMES, the lowet- cover at. 30 cs~riMEs.

 ie. doubl e -I:he deficiency i n each case to """ke up tlte

 cor:t-e.ct rate of 3d.
   263   264   265   266   267   268   269   270   271   272   273