Page 158 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 158

"~ l!i .HR Hf,1L"

                                         ']'y pe l>A

    This nands~a~p is a sin~le line unfYa~d •arvine readinc

!!£! .!!! ill MAlt. wit'IJ t'he word.i11g unde:rl itted. H. is in

b4ook sane Gerit type Measurinc 3S x 4mm and is recorded
struclc in purple. in\c.

Ilk'l>: 3' 5'. ..                            LJ(l):

  or,Jnmniro Conferenc~ &""nth-day   I    •

                     1\doon.ti<lt.      I.

) •r6 o.u..,. s._.                           •

I ~(V#t~IJ Vt\4PJ                  ~b:.~~~,~~ Gj
                                  I                   t~




Cenaored co~er from l<ingsi:on to the 3abaaas 1<'hi eh n11s 'been
redireeted i:o H~v~nna, CUba, al'ld 'bearinc 11-PCL JA, Type

(iv) I !lumber n reseali~ label of t'he J'amaican Postal

Censorship s.rvice. ~ran~ed &~ 9d, tns stamp is

cancelled by k'in~~ton dou'ble circle dater ot the }Oth Hay

19~~, and bears Type l>A struck in purple ink. lt
beers t/- Manuscript taxin; notation and t~e reverse

"oaars Nassau and Ha'bana- daters o:2 t'he '2nd and ')tn of J'LJna
19-'f2. respects ve 'ly .
   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163