Page 163 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 163

O.!i . M.S. Wrapper .


                                        s Service

                                  'l'he :Jirector l~C\l Yot•k
                                          'ublic Library

                                     476 Fifth Avenue

                                              Ne•; York. U.S.A.

O .H.H. S . wrappe)> prl.nted' in black from Kingston to Mew

York f~an~ed at t l d, the aiamps being cancelled by

Ki ngston dater of the 15'to Decembe r , 195?· These wrappers

were used for the *ransmiss ion o£ the ~ournals of the

~amai can Institute .
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168