Page 161 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 161

NOT KNOWN.                     ., .•1

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Vi sa Hnnnan C olly~ore       .•....

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uncltiimed local cover from Kings+.on wifh Kinttst.oh machine dater
of the. 26-l:.h oc-l:.oo~r. 1920. The cover waii Uhdeliver~d as the
addressee was "NOT KOOW1'f/AT TI-IIS ADD'RE:SS" ~ t.he ha11asiamp "being in

purple block serit type, 41111n bign. Tlte cover's "UNCLAIHED"
TYpe 1 steel handstamjl ma-rking in black 1nl< end ''Retu.rned r.eHex-

"Branc'h/J"~aica11 handstal'l\p itt purplo. mixed serif' -l:.y pe w"tticn is
d•{eq ~he l~th November, 1920.
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