Page 156 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 156

                                             1<1 ng Edward Vll.

           Ox His :UA.JESTY's SERYICE•

.. ----

       On ihe death o£ ~ing €dward VI! - ihe King died on ine

        6fh May, 1910 J son~e of the official correspondehce was

       overprinted with a black irian~le ~o create a ~ourniNg
       cover as a tllar'o<. of deep re sped. The o. H. H.$. cover

       shown bears ihe ~ournih~ triahgle toge~her with '~EN£RA~

         I'OST OfF'Ic£/FREE/J"AMAICA" '1Free Mark", and on -the reverse

       K1n~sion dater of tne 3rd Au~st, ~910.
   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161