Page 152 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 152


                                 -rype 11.9 7.


Airlll&il le tier ho111 'R'Ugby -to :Poinie - a - :Pierre, Tl"inidad,

~o~i th 'Rugby tnachine da ter o£ the 8th Yebruary, 1967. 1he

covet- was missen.t to ;r.,rnaica wbere it l:'e.cei ved MS 7, the

wording "HIS-SI!tiX '10 J'.AHAICA, W.I." in block se:ri.f
-type 3 x 60mm1 enoloeed in a s:i ngle line frame 15 x 10111m.

The mrking ilil 11h"cl<. in purple in1( and iltere are no ot"her

dates on ~he. cover.
   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157