Page 150 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 150

Mi.ssent .
        Type MS 5.

..                   S310NI .LS3/o\ I

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                     LOL#                  ·d

                     ll39900 li3.L1Y/o\

                                                             >ltiOA M3N 'SNOJJ.VN O!llJNn
                                                   NOilVtllSINIWOV 1VlSOd SNOJJ.VN 03l1Nn


Cover £rom the United Nations ~ostaJ Admihist:raiion

Uni~ed Natioos, New York, to Pori au Prince, Haiii the

sia~p being cancelled by United Nations ~ew ~ork sjntle

ci r c le daier ~ -ine 7fh Novet~ber, 1958- trhe cover bears

MS 5' ttandshmp itr p~rple inj( wol'ded 1'MlSSf~'l' TO J"'M1.4ICA,

:B . \.l . l " in bloak serif type> ; x 61mm, enclosed by a

single 1 j ne frar.e, 11 x 671'11tn; t 'he re are no ofhe l" tnaJ>ki ng.s.
   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155