Page 149 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 149


K11cl1 travelled air from Ltverpool addressed \:o
)1el.,.ose, St. T}loms ~thich was sent firs~ in error to {l!f!
Unitea states Virgin Islands. The letter fozm bears
U.S. ••MISSENT TO Cttllffi.OT'l'B AMAt.IE, V.!." and •'RETURNBJ> TO
WRITE~" handstamps, bcth struck in purple ink.

l"rom it appears that the air le.Her 'lo/&s Qerrt to

:T:llllaica ~s d: bears •• NISSEHT TO ~AHAU:A B. W. I. • handshmp,

3' X 6,3A111 in l>loc'k san.s ..serif type, whiclt i& atruc'k in
dark purple in](, It bears J'a-..aican 1:ramea 'handsi;.a"p

"UNI\2!.IV!;'R.E'.P FOR REASaiS S!I'AT.eb/RETURII '1'0 SllNllBR" ;md the
postal clerk has used the "lhsse"t" nand11bMp to alto'rl ihe.
rea.511n. The revene b&a.ts Ki ngs-l:o11 double eh·cle dai:e.r

ot the 3rd JUly, l9SO, the le' being poated a.t

Live rpool on the 24th J'une, 1950.
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