Page 153 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 153


                                         Type MS 9.

                                                MISSENT TO :JAMAICA


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Covers f'rom :BelC'ium and ljolland to ihe C,..P.O. Turlcs and

C;~icos Islands wHh NS 9, unfr;ured "I<IISSFNT TO J"AMA!CA" in

block sans ~e:r-if 1.ype ' i x 60m111 ah-uck in purple ink. '7ht

top cover is dai.ed 10tn ~ehruary, 1980, ~he boi.tom cover
20th Oclober, 1979.
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158