Page 159 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 159

...,. " NO StJCH 'POST OFFICE" .

                           V E N NE R Ltd.
                           Kingston-By Pass

               N e w Ma 1 d e n
               Surrey /~~iiitfh- .,.... -
               v..l( ...t t-f<.O..) 13
LUFTPOST                                     tl.:..-

  P.YARNr\L    1<0 SUCH I!'OST ( '.'FiCI':
                  ·:N Jilf•lAICA. '3,W.l.

     Incorrectly addressed cover i'ro111 Frankfurt Ofaill) to
"New 11alden Suuey/J'al'l!llika." posted ott the 12th February,

195'· The cover bears there examples of the hand8tamp

"NO SUCH :POST OFf'fC!:i" (, X 4 211U#)/IN J'AHA.LCA, B. W. I. q

{3 x 3Jmm) all struck in p1.1:rple blcsc1< san& seri£ t1pe.

The reverse bears ~ingston double circle dater of ~be
25th March, 195~, tne letter being redirec~~d to Qreai

l3riiain with ":famailta" delea-ted in pencil.
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164