Page 168 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 168


                            POSTED AT SEA


                            ·R--o-y-al-M--a-i-l -S-t-e-~--. P-a-c-k-e-t~C-o-m-p-a-n-y~. ~

                                8hor'&. Tou:re ~ BUD1auer Sea..

                            Spod~tl tours arranged by tke magniftoeo' eteamera of tbie line from Jamaloa t.o

                            tba Spa.oiah M.a1n &nd back to Jam.s.ioa; Jamaica t.o Trbid&d, B&rb&dot and tbe Wind·
                   &Del Leeward X.l•od• aud Jamalta to " and La Guayra &ad baek t.o Ja·
                            'meJCL Tbe eommodioua lteo\~;~en of t.bialloe leave Jamaica Overy alternate Tueeday.
                            -The next •teamer OD Ttle.aday, M.ay. lOtb.
                                Pleaea::nt:eae ~ Route to Europe.
                            .I                                                                                                              ~ ~,

Co-,er f r o111 the "S. s.       Tbe • to Sootb.e.mpt4o te,.1cc.cunpliabed io tbe 6oe•t weatbere, a•olding

0RINOC0" Of i;lie "ROYal    the boilteroo.a wi.ot.e.r and sprtog taoottl&.
Mail i>hal'! Pacll:et
Company b earing 'posTeD    Special Rates for Sc.hool '' b'· hltdren. Cuisine all tha.t can

AT S[A/'ORI~OCO ' "                    be de&ired. Ui.n.surp'·aaeed by any other Lin&.
handsta~p ih black i nk.
Tn~ cover bears Unitad      Pt.a.teoswa ean eaH fOt a.ny ·coo~ oo tbe menu in aq order t.bey • deeiro.
                            Il)peci&l arn.ogeroeat.a for e&rrlage &Od deli•e..y of paroeii'_to priacipa.l_bw-nalb

                            Great Britain. Fre.tgbt to &IJ paru in Europe, e~p&. FreCel. Tbe lptc:tAl cargo
                            1 tumen of thia line call at outpor~ (or rcu:u and aogar to.goin dtreet bottom to
                            Loodoo. Special rata for nau in la.ra:e•.
                                . OQASTWIBE ·: sE:av:ro~. ·                                                                                       ·  I

                                 TKs. ss.~o. aa.ille•ery Tooaday ...~a. m. for the oatporta, taking freight
                            and pueengetl. BoGDd Wlp, ~ 6nt cla.a.•; C&r&O will not be reeeh'ed latet tb&a
                            ' p.m. On tbe ldond&y bef~re aailtog. p, hlrtber lnformaUon pleaae apply to

                            · , . T:C0NSTANTI:NEt Sapt., Klnptoa.

~in,clorn sta~ps cancellecl by Ki~gston d~er Q£ ~he 17th ~ecember,

1897 an~ peaYs the firsi type of Kt~gaton Pa9uebot ~arking, 7ype

E'Q t . 'l'ne 011l.Y Qiner f QC.orqed usaee o P the -'>h1p 110:1rlting- t o daie

is that of t he 2oth March, 1887· Built i n 1871 , ot 4t34 ion~,

the vesee1 was ihe second of -\:his 11allle l!ltld w-es on the. Souih
Aljlerical'l r un, being' i n Ser\"ic e J::ro111 1886 to 19()9 .
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