Page 171 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 171

Paquebot .

                               Dr. ~1~o ~ose~li
                               ~ener~l Delivery
                                .>.ingston, J J>L,rc....

Cover franKed by 25c's ~orth of Haitian 9ta~p$ la~ded at

Ki ngrloh fr0111 the T .S. S. "NORTH STAR'' addressed to t'be

General belivery, kin~ston, i~e stamps being cancelled by

"PAQU.6SOT - kiNGSTOti/J"AHAICA" dol.lble circle dote-r of t'he -

26th February, 19}9. The cover also bears handsta~p of

~he snip'~ ~rser's o£~ice.
   166   167   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176