Page 308 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 308


                                INDEX,  contd.
                                 Page                         Page

                        T, contd.
          Telegraph Money Orders  ..   275
          Telegraph Services   ..   259
          T.lcgraph Licences     265   Weights, limits of—
             Telex Licence    ..   262
                                          Literature  for  the
          Tiles, packing  ..   ..  55-56  Blind            23,34,74,84
          Tracer Free   ..    ..   27     Letters   ..   23-26,33,74,78
          Trade Charges—Cash on           Newspapers      24-26,38,74
           delivery Service   ..   88
          Trap packets   ..   ..   62     Parcels   24-26,45,74,85,96-256
                                          Postcards  ..   23,-26,33,74,78
                                          Printed papers   23-26,34,74,80
                                          Small packets   23-26,74,78
                                       Window envelopes          61
             Cash-on-delivcry par­     Withdrawals, and Workers   294
                                       Savings and Loan Bank
              cels   ..       ..   88
             Parcels   .,     ..   87  Workers Savings and Loan
             Correspondence   ..   95   Bank
          Universal Postal  Union   ..   77  Acknowledgments of
          Unpaid or Insufficiently pre­     deposits  ..
           paid—                          Classification of
             Air Mail correspondence   78   accounts
             Handling Fee on:   ..   67   Deposits
             Letters   ..   .. 33,78,81   General regulations
             Newspapers     ..    78      Interest
             Postcards      .. 33,78,79   Loss of Pass Book    293-
             Printed Papers   .. 34,78,81  Payment on demand    300
                                       Workers Savings and Loan
                         V              Bank
                                          Opening of account
          Value, limits of—               Pass-books
             Registered letters   ..  39.89  Person acting for de­
             Insured letters   ..  26,91    positor  ..
             (See Summary Overseas        Postage, exemptions from
               Services)       96-256     Stamp savings cards
          Insured parcels                 Transfer of account
             (See Summary Overseas        Withdrawals            68
               Services)       96-256
          Valuables, posting of   ..  40,69  Wrappers, impressed with
          Vegetables   ..     ..   51   stamps                   28
   303   304   305   306   307   308