Page 304 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 304

                            INDEX,  contd.
                            Page                         Page
              D, contd.
                                              G, contd.
         Printed Papers   22,34-37,81   Government Depts.—prepay­
         Small Packets   ..  79-80  ment of postage on letters
     Disposal of undelivered        to        ..      ..     67
       postal articles   ..   69  Gramophone Records   . •   55
     Disposal of undelivered par­  Greasy Substances by post  ..   52
       cels      ..      ..  69,87  Green Label System   ..   78,80
     Duplicate Money Orders  ..   275  Greeting Cards by Printed
     Dutiable articles by letter    Papers Post  ..   26,35,36,76,82
       post      ..      ..   78
                                  Handling Fee—On unpaid or
     Eggs by Post   ..   ..  52,53  Insufficiently prepaid items  67
     Embarrassing Postal Packets   60  Hats
     Enclosing of addressed letter,   Head Postmasters     iii. v,
       etc. within another article   58  Headquarters  ..    iii
     Envelopes—                   Holidays—arrangements—     19
         Bearing printed stamps   29  Post Office
         Business reply   ..  43-44  Hotels, redirection of corres­  63
         Colour   ..      ..   60   pondence
         Ordinary   ..    ..   60  Hours of business at Post
         Registered letter   ..  29,39  Household Delivery Service  19,259
         Transparent          .. 60
         Window-type     ..  60-61
         Tuck in flap         .. 62          I
         Used    ..       ..   62  Imitation typewritten docu­
     Evasion of postage       .. 68  ments by Printed Papers
     Exemption from postage   .. 67  Posts                   36
     Explosives prohibited    .. 59 Imports, prohibited or con­
     Exports, prohibited or con­    trolled                  58
       trolled   ..  ..  57-58    Impressed slips            29
         List of articles or com­  Incorrect declarations—par­
          modities to be covered    cels                     86
          by licences    ..96-256  Indecent articles, posting of  57
         Individual countries,    Inflammable articles  52,57,59
          conditions as to   ..96-256  Inland Service—Letters,
     Express Delivery Service   24,41,42  parcels &c.  ..  23,33
                                  Initials—articles addressed
                 F                  to                       40
                                  Injurious articles by post  ..   57-58
     Films (make-up and packing)   52,   Insufficiently prepaid items   33,34,67
                           96-256  Insurance of postal articles—
     Fish        ..         51,53     Advise of delivery   • •  40,90,92
     Flowers      ..    ..    53      Compu'sory      ..     94
     Fragile articles   .. ..  51, 53  General remarks   .. 90,91-93
     Franking (Postage Meter)         Special conditions   ..   92
       Machines   ..    ..    44  Interception of articles in the
     Free of charge parcels         Post      .. .. 68,76-77
       (F.D.D.)   ..    ..    84  Interest on Savings Bank
     Fruit—                         Deposit   ..       ..   295
        Exportation and Import­   International Reply Coupons   28-30
          ation of  ..   63,94-254
        Packing and make-up  ..   53
                                  Jewellery   ..       ..    94
                 G                Joint Savings Bank Accounts   293
     Glassware, packing   ..   53  Judicial Stamps    ..     29
     Gold by Post   ..   ..   94
   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308