Page 305 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 305


                            INDEX,  contd.
                            Page                         Page
                                              M ,  contd.
                                   Members of Parliament—pre-
         Addressing of    ..   49   payment of postage on
         Dimensions     23,33,73,78  letters to             68
         Dutiable articles         Metal casting, packing   56
          enclosed in     ..   78  Modes of payment of Post­
         Green Label System         age                     44
          applied to      ..   78  Money by post  ..    28,40,69
         Insufficiently prepaid  ..  33,78  Money Order
         Insurance of    91,96-256    Limits of amount  273-276
         Postage Rates 23,33,74,75-76  Payment   ..        274
         Unpaid   ..      33,67,78    Period of validity   274
         Recall from Post   ..   68   Rates of commission  .  27,273
         Registration of   28,39,89,90  Telegraphic Money
         Return to sender   ..   68  Orders             275-276
         Weights, limits of  23,33,73,78  Money, posting of—  69
      Liability of Post Office   ..   69  Need for registration or
      Licences—Business Reply           Insurance     28,40,90-93
       Service              43-44  Money posting of—
         Aeronautical Ground          Restrictions on export
           Station  ..                  or import       .273,277
         Amateur  ..                  (Sec also bank-notes
         Dealers             265        and coins)          57
         Coastal Vessels Radio     Morphine                 57
           Telephone         to    Musical  Instruments—Pack­
         Private Radio Station  .       ing                 56
         Radio Operator      269   Music sheets by Printed
         Radio Technician           Papers Post  ..    .   35,36
         Ship Station
           (See also under “Per­
      Liquors, intoxicating   58,63,94-254      N
      Liquids, packing        55
      Literature for the Blind   23,37,84
      Living Creatures—            Newspapers—        24,38,74,81
         Packing   ..    ..   55      Postage Rates, &c
         Prohibition as to ex­        Wrappers  ..          29
           ports and imports  ..   57  Non-standardiscd items   61
         Prohibitions, gen­        Nuts, packing  ..        56
           eral   ..   57-58,96-247
      Locked bags   ..   ..  27,65
      L oss-
         Insured articles   ..  92-93
         Parcels   ..    91,94-256             O
         Registered articles   ..  40,89
                                   Offensive markings on
                                     Postal articles   ..   57
                 M                 Offensive articles, posting of   57
                                   Offices and Agencies
      Machine parts, packing   ..   56  list of   ..   .. iii-v,3-18
      Make-up and packing of       Official Free
        postal Articles   ..   51    Correspondence    ..   67
        (See also printed papers,   On demand withdrawals from
         packets, etc.)              Saving Bank  ..   ..   291
      Manuscripts by Post   35-36,82-84   Opium   ..   ..   57
      Maps, drawing, etc.   ..   55  Overseas Services onwards  ..
      Matches     ..      ..   57    (Sec also under particular
      Meat, packing  ..   ..   53     Service required)   74-75,96-256
   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308