Page 303 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 303


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                   A                             C
        Address,  Method of, (See    Cash on delivery Service  88
         under letter post, Parcel   Certificate of Posting—
         post Telegrams &c).            Insured article     89-94
           Box holders          64      Parcel              39,45
           Change of  ..        66      Registered article  39,89
           Correspondence   .  49-51   Change of address      66
           Parcels          .  45-46   Charges—
           Postcards  ..    .  33-34    Presentation to Customs  27
           Sender’s address     49      Money Orders          28
        Addresses, Telegraphic-         Parcels   ..    24-96-256
         Code address        .   260    Postal Orders
         Method  of addressing   .   262   China-ware-packing  53
         Sender’s Address       262   Christmas cards by Printed
        A.D.P. Cards        37,80,82  Papers Post  ..       36,83
        Advice of delivery of        Cinematograph films      82
         registered or insured       Circulars              36,82
         article   ..     26,40-88,90  Code address telegraphic  ..   260
        Advice of Payment—Money      Coins, posting of   .. 52,57,92
         Orders    ..      ..   273a  Commonwealth Reply
        Agencies and Offices. List    Coupons   ..       ..   28,30
         ofiv-v;   ..        .  3-18  Compensation—
        Air Letter Forms   ..  26,75    Cases where not payable   40
        Air Mail Services   ..  26,74   Insured articles   ..  94-95
        Air Mail articles insufficiently   Parcels   ..   46,94-95,96-256
         prepaid   ..      ..   76      Registered articles  ..   24,40
        Arms by post  ..   ..   58   Crockery                 53
        Articles bearing fictitious   Customs—
         stamps    ..      ..   58      Presentation to fee   27
        Articles for use of the Blind 22,37,82   Declarations  80
        Articles liable to Custom       Individual countries,  -96-256
         Duty prohibited in letter post 76,78   conditions as to Payment
        Attendance:—                    of duty by sender (F.D.D.)   86
           At public counters   ..   19
           Holidays  ..   19,259-260            D
           Week-days and Sundays 19,259-
                               260   Dangerous articles—
                                        Categories of   ..53,55,59
                                        Prohibition by post  ..  57-58
                                     Dead Letter Office       69
                    B                Declarations—Customs  ..80,84.85
                                     Delayed Payments of Money
        Bags-lockcd for posting and   Orders                 275
         delivery   ..      ..  27,65  Delivery—
        Bank notes, posting of   40,96-256  Correspondence  19,63-65
        Bank—workers Savings and loan  29   Parcels       19,59,87
        Bees       ..       ..   56     Telegrams  ..   ..  25,257
        Biological Substances   53-55  Demand, Withdrawals—
        Literature for the Blind   23,37,84  Savings Bank  ..293-294
        Books (printed papers)   -37,82,81  Deposits—Savings Bank  ..293-294
        Boxes—private letter   ..  27,64  Despatch Notes      85
        British Commonwealth        Dimensions—
         Countries (See summary         Envelopes  ..         60
         Overseas Services)   .. 96-256  Letters        ..22,33,78
        British postal orders   277-280  Parcels        ..23,45,85
        Bullion    ..       ..  52.57   Postcards  ..   ..22,33,76
        Business Reply Service   24,42-44  Literature for the Blind  22,37-38,82
   298   299   300   301   302   303   304   305   306   307   308