Page 307 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 307


                            INDEX,  contd.
                            Page                         Page
               R,  contd.                   S,  contd.
     Radio and Telegraph Licences   and Foreign Mail Service   96,264
                          265-270  Surcharge, postal   33,34,67,68,81
     Reclamation Fees         27
         Postal articles      66            T
         Telegrams           262
     Refusal to pay postage due  64  Telegrams, inland—
     Regional Inspectors      64      Charges, principal
     Registered Letters Advice        Code Address
       List                   65      Copy of Telegram
     Registered Letters—insuffici­    Counting of Words,
       ently prepaid          40       signs, etc.
     Registration of postal articles 87,88  Delivery
     Registered Letter Envelopes  29,39  Multiple Address tele­
     Reply coupons  ..      29-30      grams
     Restrictions, postal—see pro­    Payment   ..
       hibitions            57-58     Press telegrams
                           96-256     Priority Service
     Rctur” of postal articles to  Telegrams, Inland—      259-
       sender                 66      Prohibited telegrams  ..   260
     Rods, as parcels (fishing)  57   Punctuation
                                      Rates, principal
               S                      Redirection
                                      Repetition  ..
     Secrecy of the Post  . #  68     Reply—paid telegrams
     Sender’s liability for postage  63-68  Telex Service
     Sender’s name and address-       Words, counting of
         Postal article       50      Writing, mode of
         Telegram  ..    . ,  263  Telegrams—Overseas—
     Sharp Instrument    , #  57      Addresses
     Ships—                           Code addresses
         Radio Telephone  ..1         Commonwealth social   260-
         Licence            269-       telegram             265
         Telegrams to        270      Copy of telegram
         Wireless Licence
     Slips, Impressed         28      Counting of words, signs
     Size, limits of—                  e:c.
         Blind literature  23,37,84   Delivery of inward tele­
         Letters            23,33.     grams
                            74,78     Delivery of outward
         Newspapers         24,38,     telegrams
                            76,81     Language
         Parcels                      Money-order telegrams
         Postcards  ..    33-34,45    Multiple Address tele­
                            74,78      grams
         Printed Papers     34,35,    Press telegrams      260-
                            74,81     Rates, principal      265
         Small Packets      79.80     Refunds
     Stamps—                          Repetition
         Affixed to Postal Orders  277  Reply-paid telegrams  ..
         Impressed Slips  . .  28     Service Indications
         Denominations sold   28      Ships at sea, telegram  ..
         Fictitious  ..       57      To follow Addressee
         Stamped Stationery  27-28     (reforwarding)
      Stationery, postal  . . 27-28   Urgent telegrams
      Standardised items—             Words, counting of
     Summary of Commonwealth          Writing, mode of
   302   303   304   305   306   307   308