Page 10 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 10

JO                    POST  Ol<'FICE  GUlDE
                  Users  of  these machines mus~ conform  to  the  following  conditions:
                  I. They  must  ohtnin  the  l'ost.m!ltiler  Gencrnl's permission  for  thl!ir uti.,.
                  2.  l'nyment.s in  advrtnrc in  rcspccl  of postage must  bn mnde from  time to timo'  at.
                    n specified  posl  otlicc where  the mnc·hinc must  he prcscnt.<:d  for mclcr scttin~.
                  :l.  The correspondence franked hy the machinP. must be facr.d, securely lied in bundles,
                    nnd  handed  in  1\t a  specified ofliee, not necessarily Lhnt  :\t which  the mncltine i~
                    pcriodicHlly  tnkrn for  control.
                  ·l  Fmnl<ing dies nnd mnchincs  must  be  mninJnined  in  good  condition,  and  any
                    necessary repb:emcnls and repairs mncle, at the user's e.~pcn,e,  to  ensure  cle:11'
                    and  distinct  frru1kin~ imprc5aions  1UHI  nhsolute  acc11rUry  in  recordinl!:.
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