Page 9 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 9

MISCELL:\NEOUS                    9
                 The Post Office does not undertAke to redirect postnl packets whidt csn he redirected
               11t  the  place  of  nrldres.~.  lt  doe.!  not,  for  example,  rcrlirect  J108l.'ll  pnckctH  addressed
               to  a  person  who  hns temporaril.v  loft hi~ house,  unlc~s the  house is  left unioh .. biled;
               or aduressed to dubs, hotel~, hoarding hou~cs, or lod~-:in~s; or nddrcssl!d  t•J any premises
               occupied by two or 1110re pcr~on.~ where tht!lct.ters are J~li vcrcd hy postmen irtto a common
               letter box or  to a common ngcnl.
                 A uotice of rcdirnrtiou holJs good  for 3 months.
                 No letter, p:trccl orotlocr postal pncket. can, when once it. ha.~ hecn posted in a Post. Office
               reccptable or acccptet'l  f<lr  tmnsmission :\t n  Post Office,  be UJ.kcn out of t.he po~t. even
               if application he m:tde for it by a person  who can prove thnt he is the 6Cnder,  withou~
               the authority of the C:m·emor.  ?\or c:tn it be det.ainet'l or delnyt.U nt the sender's request;
               but must be forwarded  to its atldrcss and cannot he diverted to nny other nddrcc.~.
                 Private let.tcr  boxes,  nvnilnhle for  the suhsrrihers use from  h  n.m.  lill  5.30  p.m.  on
               week days  (and al11o  for  two or  three houl'ol  in  l<iug~ton nftrr tlot•  arrival of imp~lrlant
               overtiea mails) m1w hP. rented for  12s.  a yPar alll'c Post Ofikcs of 1\ingston, Port Antonio,
               Honlego  Bay,  1\fandtlville,  Snv1mna-lu-:lbr  and  Mny  Pen.  Letters  addressed  to  tho
               house address of a per11on rcuting n letter  box will be delil'crcd c~s addressed.  Only letters
               spc<:iflcally addressed  to the lct.tcr hox or business addrc:;R of the relllOr  of the box will
               be ussort.ed in the box.                            .
                Private  lln1s- lly permission  of  the  Postmaster  Geucrnl  any  person  rnay  hnve  hi~
               letters conveyed by his be.1rcr to und from the Post Omcc iu n pril'ntc bng upon pilymcn~
               of an annual fee of one guinea, the bag t.o  be locked, one l(r.y being kept by the Post·
      and one by ti1e owner of the bug; the hag to he provided hy the owner.
                 WhE>n  a  private letter ba.~ is·cyed by a  mail  co11trnrtor a  further annual fee of
               one guinea is to be paid.  These fees must be paid in advnnre through the Postmaster
                 On pnyment of an additional annual fee of 12!· a year the persons renting n private box
               or bag shall  be entitled  to  receive a serially numbered registered advice list, containing
               pnrticulars of the number nnd place of origin of the registered nrti~leo; delivered.
               POS'fE RESTANTE
                 Postal articles which arc addressed to places in this T81!l!id  at which there is no delivery
                by  letler  carr·ier  will  be regarded  as intended  for  the "l'oste nc~tanlc" and de:llt with
                 The  Poste Hestanle sl,all  be  used solcy  for  the  accommodlllion  of  strangers  and
                travellers,  who  mt~y use it for  not 1110re  than  three 111onths, ut  those offices  nl  which
                there is a  dcli very of postal artit:les hy letter carrier.  (Seep. 7).
                 Postal articles addrcss!rl to initials or to fictitious names, or to a  Christian name with·
               out a surname shall not be {.,tktm to the Poste H.eslnnte, hut shol.ll be treated as undelh·er·
               able postal articles.  Postal articles ruldressed to initials, etc., aud at a 3/>'.ci.fic addres1 or
               care  of  a  Po•l OjJiu  Rox  are howt!\'Cr  accepted.
                 Every person appl}~ng to a  Poste He.,tante if unknown rnnst produce such evidence
               of his identity as the;r oniccr of the Post Of!i~e may require.
                 (I)  Subject to the pro1•isions of these Regulations, postal llrticlcsshall be retained in
                    the Poste RPstnnto as follows-
                     If originating in the  Island, for  one calender month from the dnte of receipt;
                     Jf originating  fNm  nbroad,  two  calendar  months from  the date of  receipl .
                Proviued that postal t~.rticles addressed toshipsmny beret.tdncd for three calendar month~.
                 (2)  At the expiry of the above-mentioned periods, postal articles may be treated as
                 Letters, circulnrs,  accounts,  &c.,  (bllt  not  newspapers)  may  be  prepaid  in  money
                instead of postage ~tamps, 1\t the Genl'ral Post Office, Kiugston, pro,•ided that the articles
                are chargcnble with a  uniform n\le of postage, that the amr.unt paid is in no  case  ICEs
                than !Os., and that they are tied in bundles representing a posU\ge of 2s. 6d. each, ";tit
                the addresses arranged  in  thn same direction.  Patrons rlcsirous of u~ing this  facility
                must state in  writing to the  l'o~tmaster General  the numher  of pieces of mail matter
                which they retjuire to prepay in money and the value of postage on each piece, and  obtain
                a  receipt for  the amount !laid.
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