Page 26 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 26

RATES  OF  POSTAGE.                   25

      SouTH-Railway  along  River  Bay  through  Justice  Piece  to  Barnett  Road  along
    Cottage  Road.
      EAST-Cottage Road, Jackson Town along  Doom Street to foot of Brandon Hill.
      WEST-Palm Beach along  the Sea to Railway.
      The following  are  the boundaries  of  roads  which. are served  from  two  or mOrE(pf  the
    above  Post Offices:-
            BARBICAN  ROAD    -up to 36 and 'l:l  -Liguanea
                                From 86 and 85
                                to end       -Constant Spring
            CONSTANT  SPRING  ROAD  -up to 118 and 141-Half-way Tree
                                above         Constant Spring
            HALF-WAY  TREE  ROAD  -up to 56 and 51  -Cross Roads
                 Do.            pver    . .   Half-way Tree
            HOPE ROAD         -up to 82-93   -Half-way Tree
                 Do.            over          Liguanea
            OLD  HOPE  ROAD   -up to 40-47   -Cross Roads
                               over and up  to 91
                                 and 94c     -Half-way Tree
                 Do.          -over         -Liguanea
            MAXFIELD  AVE.    -up to 80! and 67  -Whitfield Pen
                 Do.            over and up to 128     .
                                 and 93 Roads
                 Do.            over          Half-way Tree
            SPANISH  TOWN  ROAD   -up to 64b and 11I-Kingston
                 Do.            over and up to 153--Smith Village
                                                (no house delivery)
                 Do.            over and up to 176
                                 and 183    -Whitfield Pen
            SWIMMERS  PEN ROAD   -up to 28 and 29  -Cross Roads
                 Do.            over          Half-way Tree
            WALTHAM  PARK ROAD   -up to 221 and 33A  -Whitfield Pen
                 Do.            over          Halfway Tree
            WATERLOO  ROAD    -up to 32  and 33  -Half-way Tree
                 Do.            over          Constant Spring
            WINDWARD  ROAD    -up to 16 and 67  -Kingston
                                over (to 197/108)  Windward Rnad
            MOUNTAIN  VIEW AVE.  -up to 130 and 137 -Windward Road
                                over          Liguanea
    Page  lQ7.
       Delete existing entries and substitute the following:-  .
         (d)  NIGHT  LETTER  TELEGRAMS; for  plain  language messages only, subject to mini-
            mum  charge  as  for  25 words.  Prefi..'C  "NLT"  before  the address  (count.~ as
            one  word),  for delivery on the morning following the date of  filing.  Subject
            to the same rule for counting as  Deferred Telegrams.
         (e)  EMPIRE  SOCIAL TELEGRAMS; {or non-urgent plain language messages of purely
            social  nature.  Must  bear  full  postal  address.  Prefix  "GLT" (not charged
         (f)  EXPEDITIONARY  FORCE  TELEGRAMS;  for  social  messages  in  plain  language
            filed  by  members  of  H.M:  Navy, Army or Air  Force. or addressed  to mem-
            bers  of  Army  or  Air  Force  (but  not  Navy).  Must  bear  full  address  in-
            cluding  Rank  or Number; Name; Squadron; Battery or Company; -Unit and
            destination.  Prefix "EFM".  Prefix and address transmitted free.
         (g)  REPLY  PAID  TELEGRAMS;  the  indicator  "RP.",  followed  by the amount paid
            for  the reply, is written befo;:e  the add~ess and counts as  one word.
         (h)  WIRELESS  TELEGRAMS  TO  SHIPS:  for  tranroission through Cable and Wireless
            (West  Indies)  Ltd's.  Wireless  Station at Kingston to vessels within range at
            a rate of lOd.  per word.
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31