Page 22 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 22

RATES  OF  POSTAGE.                    21

    ,.,e 36.
        Delete entry "Montpelier-Sav.-la-Mar"  and substitute the following:
                  Read  down                       Rea.d  up
           5.30 a.m.   leave   Sav.-la-Mar      arrive 7.25 p.m.
           6.00 a.m.   arrive   Petersfield     arrive 6 .50  p.m.
           6.55 a.m.   arrive   Ramble          arrive 5.55 p.m.
           7.30 a.m.   arrive   Montpelier      leave  5.25  p.m.
           8.30 a.m.   lea\'e   Montpelier      arrive 4.30 p.m.
           8.45 a.m.   arrive   Anchovy         arrive 4.10 p.m.
           9.10 a.m.   arrive   Reading         arcive 3.45 p.m ..
           9.30 a.m.   arrive   Montego  Bay    leave  3.30  p.m.
    PageS 42 a.nd 45-0versea. Ma.ils.
       War conditions render it impossible to furnish informltion under this head.
    ,age 47.

     (b)  P05T CAIW5:
       For pre3ent entry, substitute  the fQllowinJ;:
     (b)  Post Cards.  The rates of postage aca:
                     Single      Id.                 2d.
          Imperial   { Reply-paid   2d.    Foreign   4d.

                For 1 td. rear! 2d.
  __ VA_'" 57.                   w
        Line  4:  "For  3/6" read  4/-;  Line  16:  For  "3/  each  packet"  read  "4/6  each
    Page 76.
        Ad]  to  prohibitions  to  UIHTO)O  SnTo)S  OF  AMgaWA.:  Gold  in  coio,  ingots,  or
           powder by ordinary mail or parcel post mail exceeding $50.00.
       Add  the following at foot  of 76  (Special Prohibitions Import).
        Medicaments  of  any  nature,  the  formula  or  composition  of  which  is not clearly
           printed in the English or French language on the container.
        Medicaments  to  be  used  externally  or  internally  for  the  treatment  of  venerelll
           diseases  which bear or to which are a£fixe:! any printed matter relating  to  its
           use or application.

                        I.  UATI:5  Of'  P05TAGI:
       For present entry, substitute the following:
                 Rates of Postage from Jamaica and limit.. of si~e, etc.
                       J.  UATE5  Of'  P05TAGE •
                  ••  3d. or 2d. for the first oz.  and 2d.  or  Id. for  each  additional
                      oz., according to destination (see separate  entrie.3  in  Table
                      following, col. 2).
     Nil  M vu/y's  Forces  aln-oad  and  on  land,  the .rJ.te for  letters is  the ordinary rate for
      COuntry of  destination.
   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27