Page 23 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 23

22                      HOUSE  DELIVERY.
           Hill  Majesly's  Ships  outside  home  waters,  the  rate  for  letters  is  2d.  for  the  first  oz
         anu  Id.  for  each  additional oz.  Letters should be addressed:-H.M.S.  (name of Rhip),
         c.o.  G.P.O.,  London,  E.C.  1;  if  addressed  direct  to  a  foreign  port,  instead  of C.o.
         G.P.O., London,  the rate will  be  the  ordinary rate for  the country of destination.
         POST-CARDS  J Imperial    Single,  1 d.  each:  Reply paid, 2d. each.
                      l Foreign    Single, 2d. each:  Reply paid  4d. each.
         SMALL PACKETS  ..         5d. for first  10 oz. and  Id. per 2 oz. thereafter.
         PRINTED PAPERS  . .       i d.  per  2  oz.
         COMMERCIAL  PAPERS        3d.  for first  12  oz.  and i d.  per  2  oz.  thereafter
         SAMPLES                   Id. fOl' first 4  oz. and i d. per  2 oz. thereafter.
         "BLlND  LITERATURE"      Up to 2  Ibs ! d;  5lbs.  Id.;  8  Ibs  l i d;  11  Iba.  2d.;
                                    151bs,  2t d.
         REGISTRATION FEE          3d. for  all  articles.
         INSURANCE FEE             5d.  for every £ 12  of  value.
         ADVICE  OF  DELIVERY      3d. (for registered and insured articles only).
          (Applied  for at tim' cf posting)
           OF  DELIVERY            4d.  (for regisLred and insured articl,. on y),
          (Applied for after p . sting)
         PARCEL  POST  PARCELS    See columns 7-11  of Table following.

         Pa.ges  82-95.
           Footnotes;  For  "A  =  Itd.,  per first oz.,  and  Id.  per  each  oz.  after;  B  =  2!d  per
         first  oz.  and l!d.,  for  each  oz.,  after";  substitute:  "A  =  2d.  for  first  oz.,  and  Id.  for
         each oz.  after; B  =  3d. for  first oz., and 2d., for each o~. after". lOO.-POSTAL  ORDERS.
              Delete  existing  copy  of page 100 of  1939 edition of Post Office Guide (except last
         paragraph, "Period during which orders are payable") and substitute the following :
           Amounts of poundage.-Postal Orders are  sold and cashed at all Post Offices in Jamaica,
         and  in  the  countries  marked  with  an  asterisk  (*)  above,  which  include  the  greater
         portion  of  the British  Empire, except Australia.  and  Canada.  These orders  are printed
          on a paper bearing an "all-over"  water mark consisting of  the  Royal  Cipher-a  crown
         and  the letters G. v  R.,  and  they  measure slightly  less  than 7 ins.  in length . .
           The commissions  charged  on  orders  issued  are  as  follows:-
                At 6d.                                        Id.
                At 1/-                                         l!d.
                At 1/6,  2,-,  2/6,  3/-,  3/6,  4/-,  4/6,  5/-  2d.
                At 7/6,  8,-,  10/-  ..                       3d.
                At 20/-  ..                                   4!d.
             Postage  Stamps Affixed to Postal Orders.-Postage stamps of the following  Dominions,
          Colonies, etc. are recognised when properly affil'ed  by  the  senders  to  the  face  of  British
          Postal Orders issued in  the respective territories, provided that the stamps do not exceed
          two  in  number  and  (a)  5d.  in  total  value  on  an  order  of  denominations  up  to  and
          including 4/6;  (b)  lId. in  total value-on an order of denominations above 4/6.:-
           Aden,  Antigua,  Bahamas,  Barbados,  Basutoland,  Bechuanaland  Protectorate,
          Bermuda,  British  Guiana,  British  Honduras,  Brunei,  Burma,  Cayman  Islands,  Ceylon,
          Cyprus,  Dominica.,  Falkland  Islands,  Fiji,  Gambia,  Gibraltar,  Gold  Coast,  Grenada,
          Hong  Kong,  India  (including  Indian  Post Offices  on  the  Persian  Gulf  and  in  Tibet),
          Iraq,  Jamaica.,  Kenya  Uganda  and  Tanganyika,  Malay  State&,. Malta,  Mam:itius,
          Montserrat,  Morocco  (British  Agencies  at Tangier  and  Tetuan),  Newfoundland,  New
          Zealand,..  also  Cook  Islands  and  Samoa,  Nigeria.  North  Borneo  (State of),  Northern
          Rhodesia,  Protectorate,  Palestine,  St.  Kitt&'Nevis,  St.  Lucia, St.  Vincent,
          Sarawak,  Seychelles,  Sierra  Leone,  Southern  Rhodesia,  South  Africa,  Union  of  South
          West  Africa,  SwaziJand,  Tonga  Islands,  Tortola  (British  Virgin  Islands),  Transjordan,
          Trinidad and Tobago,  Turks and Caicos Islands,  Zanzibar.
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