Page 21 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 21

I                                                                                                    t-J
                                                                                                          1        o
                                                 Close at G.  P. O.  Daily
                                           8 g
                                           0'"             Registered   Arrive at   Leave   Arrive at   Ronting
                                           ....  rIJ
                   Office.        Parish.   ~ b()   Ordinary   Letters, Prints
                                           '"  "
                                           ~~    Letters.   Parcel-post.   D.P.O.   D.P. O.   G.P.O.    (via)
             WmTFJELD PEN, tel.   ..  St. Andrew . ..   3   6.30 a.m.   ..   8.40 a.m.   8 .45  a.m.   9.10 a.m .
                                                 noon                12.40 p.m.   12.45 a.m.   1.10  p.m.
                                                 3.00 p.m.   2.30 p.m.   4.00 p.m.   4.05  p.m.   4.30 p.m.
             White Sands Beach, t. *  St. James   · .  1I5t  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   7.30 p.m.   6.45 a.m.   1.55 p.m.   Montego Bay (rail)
                                                 1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   8.00 a.m.   5.40 a.m.   8.10 a.m.   Do. and Ewarton
             Wl\d C'.l.oe, l.   ..  St. Ann   · .   73  ID .OO a.m.   9.55 a.m.   6.00 p.m.   6.00 a.m.   1.55 p.m .   Borobridge
             WrLLIAMSFIELD,  t.  (a)  ..  Manchester  ..   53   6.30  a.m.   9.27 a.m.   6.02  a.m.   8.10 a.m.    Z
                                               .  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   1.50 p.m .   11.23 a.m.   1.55 p.m.     t-'
                                                 3.30 p.m.   w 3.00 p.m.   6.41 p.m.   3.30 p.m.   6.00 p.m.
             Windsor Castle (a)   ..  Portland   ..  321   1.30 p.m.   1.00  p.m.   5.00  p.m.   7.05 a.m.   9.20 a.m .   ~
             WiImington, I.   ..  St. Thomas  ..   36   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   5.55 p.m.   2.00 p.m.   8.25a.m.   Morant Bay   ;.-
             WINDWARD  ROAD,  tel . . .  Kingston   · .   2   6.30 a.m.   ..   8.35 a.m.   8.45 a.m.   9.05 a.m.   t=
                                                 noon       noon      1.00 p.m.   1.10 p.m.   1.30 p.m.            !J'
                                                 3.00 poom   2.30 p.m.   4.12 p.m.   4.22 p.m.   440 p.m.
             Woodford,  l.   ..  St. Andrew  · .   15   3.00 p.m.   2.30 p.m.   6.30 p.m.   6.20 a.m.   9.15 a.m.   Liguanea
             Woodhall, I.    . .  Clarendon   51   3.30 p.m.   3.00 p.m.   8.00 a.m .   4.30 p.m.   8.10 a.m.   Chapelton
             YALLAHB,  t.    "  St. Thomas  . .   19   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   3 .02 p.m.   7.25 a.m.   8.25 a.m.
                                                                           -------      "   -
                (a)  NOTE:-The times  shown  of  arrival  of  mail  at  and  departure from  Post  Offices served by the Railway are  the times of arrival and
             departure of the trains at and from  Railway Stations.  The times of actual arrival and departure of  mails at and from  the Post Offices depend
             on  the distance between the Station and  the Post  Office.
                * Open during Tourist Season only.
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