Page 17 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 17

   -------- ..  -~
                                                   Close at G.  P. O.  Daily                                        .....
                               -             El  ci                                                                 0>
                                             ...  <IJ       Registered   Arrive at   Leave   Arrive at   Routing
                     Office.       Parish.   - [!l.S   Ordinary   Let.ters, Prints
                                            :;:::~             and      D. P.O.   D.P.O.   G.P. O.       (via)
                                             ~     Letters.   Parcel-post.
               Pepper, tel.    . .  St. Elizabeth   71   /".30 •. m.1  9.45 .m.   7.20 p.m.   8.45 p.m.   1.55 p.m.   ls.n .. cm M'
                                                    Mon., Wed., Fri.
             .                                    3.30p.m.   3.00p.m.   M.,W.,F.  T., Th., S.   M.,W., F.   Santa Cruz and
                                                                        8.20 p.m.
                                                                                           8.10 a.m .
                                                                                 7 .25 p.m.
                                                  Tues.,  ThJrs., Saturday*   T., Th., S.   M.,W.,F.  T.,Th., S.   Williamsfield
               Petersfield, tel.   ..  W'moreland  . .   129  10 .00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   6.50 p.m.   6.05 a.m.   1.55 p.m.   Montpelier
              POINT,  tel.  I.,   . .  St. James   ..  127  10 .00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   5 .20  p.m .   7.17 a.m.   1.55 p.m .  Cambridge
              POINT  fuLL, tel.  I.   ..  St. Cath.   · .   43   6.30 a.m.   1.15 p.m.   4.30 p.m.   9.20 a.m.   Lluidas Vale
              PORT ANTONlO,  t.  (a)  ..  Portland   ..   75   1.30 p.m.   1.00  p.m.   5.48 p.m .   6.20 a.m.   9.20 a.m.   (By Railway)
                                              87   1.00 p.m.   12. 30 p.m.   7.46 p.m.   2.15 a.m.   8.25 a.m.  (By motor van)   .....
               PORT MARIA,  t.   . .  St. Mary   · .   50   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   5.40  p.m.   6.10 a.m.   9.20 a.m.   Richmond   t"
                                                      . .       . .        . .    6.10 p.m.   8.10 a.m.   St. Ann's Bay and   :.-
                                                          w                                          Ewarton        2!
              PORT MORANT,  t.   . .  St. Thomas   39   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   4 .20  p.m.   5.53 a.m.   8.25 a.m.   t::J
              PORT ROYAL, t.   ..  Port Royal  ..   6   3.00 p.m.   2.30 p.m.   5.00 p.m.   10.30 a.m.   11 .30 a.m.   i!::
              PORUS,  t.  (a)   . .  Manchester  "   47   6.30  a.m.    9.11  a.m.   6.19a.m.   8 .10 a.m.          >- .....
                                                  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   1.23 p.m.   11.4.5 a.m.   1.55 p.m.      t"
                                                  3.30 p.m.   3.00 p.m.   6.25  p.m.   3.45 p.m.   6.00 p.m.
              Pratville, tel.  I.   ..   do.   . .   73  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   6.10 p.m.   6.30 p.m.   1.55 p.m.  Newport  .
              PRIESTMAN'S  RIVER,
                tel.           . .  Portland   ..   65   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   6.55 p.m.   3.06 a.m.   8.25 a.m .
              Prior Park I.    . .   do.   · .   46   1.30 p.m.  :  1.00 p.m.   9.20 a.m.   2.40 p.m.   9.20 a.m.   Buff Bay
              Race Course, tel.   . .  Clarendon  · .   50  10.00a.m·19.45a.m.   3.15p.m.   9.35 a.m.   1.55 p.m.   May Pen   .   ,
              Ramble, tel.     ..  Hanover   ..   100  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   5.55 p.m.   7.00 a.m.   1.55 p.m .  Montpelier
              Reading, Id.     ..  St. James   · .   132   'lO.oo •. m'I' 94 .. ~m.   5 .36 p.m.   7.04 a.m.   1.55 p.m.  Anchovy
              Red Hills, I.    . .  St. Andrew  ..   10                 7 .00  p.m.   5.40 a.m.   8.45 a.m.   Halfway Tree
              Redwood, tel.  I.   "  St. Cath.   · .   31   1.30 p.m.   1.00  p.m.   7.00 p.m.   6.45 a.m.   9.20 a.m.   Linstead
              RETREAT,  t.     . .  St. Mary   ..   69   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   6.30 p.m.   5 .30 a.m.   9.20 a.m.   Linstead
              RICHMOND,  t.  (a)   ..   do .   · .   36   1.30 p.m.  J  1.00 p.m.   4.18 p.m.   8 .00 p.m.   8.10 a.m.   Ewarton
                                                                                 7.50 a.m.
                                                                                           9.20 a.m.
                                                                                                             """"-  '---"   ,..-'~ __ --"'-"1: ___ •
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