Page 31 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1940_
P. 31

30                        Am  MAlL.

                     Postage                        Postage
                      Rate                           Rate
        Country.     per 1 oz.   Route.   Country.   per 1 oz.   Route.
      Inditt           4/-       T.P.   Paraguay       2/1       . r
      Iran             4/-       T.P.   Peru           2/1
      Iraq             4/-       T.P.   Philippine Islands   3/6   T.P.          4/-       T.P .   Puerto Rico     lOd.
      Kenya            4/9       T.P.   Reunion        5/-     T .P.
      Leeward Islands (a)   1/2        Rhodesia (Northern
                                        and Southern)   5/-     T.P
      Macao            4/-       T.P.
                                      Salvador (El)    1/3
      Madagascar       5/-      T.P.
                                      Sarawak          4/-     T.P.
      Malaya           4/-      T.P~
                                      South West Africa   5/-  T.P.
      Martinique       1/2
                                      Surinam          1/7
      Mauritius        5/-      T.P.
                                      Syria            4/-     T.P.
      Mexico           1/3
                                      Tanganyika Territory  4/9   T.P.
      Morocco          2/5      T.A.
                                      Thailand (Siam)   4/-    T.P.
      Mozambique       5/-      T.P.
                                      Transjordan      4/-     T.P.
      Netherlands East           w
        Indies         4/-      T.P.   Trinidad        1/2       "
      New Caledonia    3/-      T.P.   Uganda          4/9     T .P.
      Newfoundland      lOd.          Union of South   5/-     T.P.
      New  Guinea      Eee Australia
                                      United States of
      New  Zealand     3/6       T.P    America          10d.
      Nicaragua        1/3            Uruguay          2/1
      Nyasaland        5/-      T.P.   Venezuela       1/2
      Paelstine       4/-       T.P.   Virgin Islands (U.S.)   10d.
      Panama            lOd.          Windward  Islands   1/2 (b)
      ~P~ap~u~a~.~. ______ ~ __ 42/_______ ~T.~P~~7.~an=z~ib~a=r~ __ ~~_42/~9 ______ T~.P~._
      Route  T.P.-By  all-air  route  to  destination  (t.rans-Pacific  service).
      Route  A .-By air to New York, thence by sieamer to EUrope, and by air to destination by
               such air services as are available.
      Route  T.A.- By  all-air route to Portugal (trans-Atlantic service) and by air to destina-
               tion  by such air services as  are available.
      Note.-Correspondence may be sent to any destination by air as far as New York (or
               U.S. Pacific port), and thence by surface means to destination at rate of
               IOd. per t ounce.
      (a)  The  Leeward  Islands  comprise  Antigua,  Anguilla,  Barbuda,  Montserrat  Nevis,
            Redonda,  St.  Kitts,  Virgin  Islands (British).
      (b)  The  Win~ward  Islands  comprise  Dominica,  Grenada,  Grenadines,  St. Lucia,
            St.  Vmcent.
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