Page 52 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 52

OVEBSEA  MATT.$ :  PntN1'8D  l'APEHS.    49
                tu view of the risk of ochcr pnckees being entrapped when open covers :ue used, posters
               rc  reminded  that embarrassill!J  packets  gcncmlly fire  proltibitcd from  the  post.
                Jn  order  to secure  Lho  return  of  1\  packet  which  cannot  be  ue!ivered,  the  name  and
               ,.ddress of the sendo1· should be printed or written outside.
                          eA.A;"JPL ES  0 1'  ADMlSSm LE  DOCUMENTS.
                The undermentioned  articles  or documents arc  tmosmissible as printed papers in  the
               [l!lperhli  <tnd  Fm·ei!ln  Post:
                   Address cards            P11mphleLs
                   Advertisements           Paper patterns
                   Albun1s containing photographs   Periodical Works
                   Books, sewn or bound     Photogmphs
                   Catalogues               Picture.~
                   Circu Jars               Plans
                   Dmwings                  Prospectuses
                   Engravings               Proofs of printing, corrected or uncon·ected.
                   Maps                      with or without the  relative  m~tnuscript
                   Newspapers               Sheets of )fttsic (but not perforated sheets
                   Notices of variou.; kinds, printed,   irateuded for  u.~e with uutomatic musical
                    engraved lithographed, or mimeo-  instrumenes)
                    graphed                 Visiting cards
                A card  bearing the heading PosTcAno or  the equivalent thereof in any language,  if it.
              conforms  to  the genera.! conditions  relating  to  printed  papers.
                      Re productions of  rlilnuscript 01·  Typewritte n  Original.
                Such reproductions, when obtnined by a  mechanical manifolding process (hectography,
              and so on)• arc accepted for transmission as printed papers if:
                 1.  they arc  hnnded in at a  Post Office, or, subject to  their  being  found  to  be  in
                    order  when examined  ut  the  Eiead  Post Office.
                 2.  special  attention  is  drawn  to the fact  th:.t  they  are  reproductions  of the  kind
                 3. at least twenty packets containing  precisely identical copies are handed in at the
                    same time.
                The same regula~ion applies to circulars printed ill imitation of typewriting.
                              A DDITION5 AND  ALT ERATIONS.
                The sender mlly, either ·outside or inside a pa.cket of  printed papers:
                 1.  indicate by  hand or by a mechanical process, the name, position, profession, style
                    and address of the sender and of the addres3ee; the date of despatch, the  signa-
                    t.urc,  telephone  number,  telegraphic  address  and  code,  the  postal  cheque  or
                    banking account of the sender; a. serial ot· identity number referring solely to the
                 2. correct errors in printing;
                 3.  strike  out,  underline or enclose  by  m11rks  certain  words  or certain  parts  of  a
                    printed text, unless this is done with the object of constituting correspondence.
                The undermentioned documents and so on lnny bear  additions and alterations, made
              by hand or by a  rnecha.oical process, to 'the extent indicated in each case:
                I.  S hips'  departures  and  arrivals:  The  da.tes  and  times  of  departures  and
              arrivals as  well  as the names of the ship!>  and  the ports.of departure,  call  and  arrival.
                2. T raveller.5' advice.5:  The  travellers'  name,  the date,  time  and  place  of  his
              intended visit, and the address at wl1ich he is staying.
                3.  Order form.5:  Order forms or subscription forms  for  publications,  books,  news-
              p,.pers,  engraving and pices of music  may  bear  the names of the works and number  of
              eopies  required  or  offered;  the price  and  notes  repreaenting  essential  elements  of  the
              price;  the  method  of  pa.yment,  the  edit.ion  and  names  of  the  authors  and  publishers;
              the catalogue number and the words ?Japer  covers, stiff covers or  bo11nd.
               4.  P rinted  card$  Pictorial cards  printed \'isiting cards, Christmas and New Year
              cards  may  bear  good wishes, congratulations,  thanks, condolences or other formulas of
              courtesy, expressed in five words or by  means of five  conventionnl initials.
                 • Carbon copies are not included.
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