Page 54 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 54

OVEnSI·:A  MAILS : SAMPLES.          51
                •'la l<e ·up:
                Packets of commercial  pnpcrs should  be clcllrly marked in  the upper left-band coruer.
                COMME!tCIAJ.  PAI'J·:ns.  T hey nre subject to examination in the post, nud  must be made
               up in such  n  WtiY th:tt  they can  be cnsily  examined .  They mny be placed  in  a  wrapper,
               ut>On a roller, between boards, in an open case, or in :\n uncloscd envelope fur nished with
               :1  blunt fastening ensy  to  raise and  replace; or they  rnay  be secured  with  n  string easy
               to  untie.
                In view of the risk of other packets being entrnppcd when open covers are used, posters
               nrc  reminded  that embarmssi11g  packets generally  arc  prohibited  from  t he  post.
                In order to secure the returo of n packet which cannot be delivcre.(i, t he name and address
               of the sender should be printed or  written outside.
                          e XAI"1Pl t:5 Of' ADMI551Blt: OOCUMJ:NT5.
                   Bills of I.,\ding           Open  letters  and  postcards  which
                   Copies of or extracts from deeds under   are  out of date  and  have  already
                    private ;cnl  written on stamped or   fulfilled  their  o•·igioal  purpose, and
                    unst:unpcd paper            copies thereof
                   Documents of nl! kinds dmwn up  by   Papers of legal procedure
                    public functionaries       Pup:ls'  exercises  in  original  or  with
                   I nvoices                    corrections,  but  without  any  note
                   Manuscript of works or of newspapers   which  does  not  relate  directly  to
                    forwarded separately        the e.<ecution  of  the work
                   :;vrusieal  scores  or sheets of  music  in   Receipts
                    manuscript      •         Statements of  Accounts
                                              Wa,·  Bills.
                Documents  mny  be accompanied  by reference slips .. showing the  following  or  similar
               particulars:  n  list.  of  the  pnpcrs  included  in  the  packet,  references  to  correspondence
              exchanged between the sender and  the addressee.
                                'INADI"11551~LE M H ICL E5.
                Postage  stamps  or  forms  of' prepayment,  whether  obliterated  or  not,  or  any  paper
              representing  11  monetary  value,  ntc  inadmissible;  but out-of-date  correspondence  mny
              benr cancelled posbtge stamps  which served to prepay the  original postage.
                                     (e)  5amples.
                Rate of  Pos tage:
                The prepaid rate i~:
                           4 oz.               Id.
                           Each additional 2 oz.   ~d .
                '''e ight and s ir.c:
                The limit« of weight and size arc:
                                   Maximum            i\fnximum
                                    Weight.            Size.
                 British  Empire and Egypt   5 lbs.   2  feet in  len,th  and 1 foot  in  breadth  or
                 Other Countries    I  lb. 2 oz.   3  feet  in  length,  breadth  and  depth
                                              combined; maximum dimension in aoy
                                              one  direction 2  feet.
                For packets in tbc form  of a  roll  the length and  twice t he  diameter must not exceed
              three feet three inches, and the greatest dimension  must not ex~eed two feet eight  inches.
                Defi nition:
                The use of the sample  post is  restricted to genuine trade samples or  patterns of mer-
              chandise "·ithout saleable  value.  Except.ionally,  the  following  :nticles  are  regarded  as
              eligible  for transmission by sample  post:
                Priuters' blocks, keys sent sin:tly. fresh cut  flowers, articles of n.~tural history  (dried or
                    preserved  unimnls or  plants,  geological specimens, :\nd so on),  t ubes of senun
                    and  vaccine,  and  pathological objects  rendered innocuous  by  the  mode  of
                    preparat ion  and  packing.
               These  ar ticles,  except  t ubes  of  serum  and  vaccine  sent  in  tbe  genen,l  interest  by
              laboratories or in~titutions officially recognised, may not be sent for a cou1mercial purpose.
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