Page 48 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 48

               tU. CANADA-tetter mail to and from lbe Dominion of Canada is sent and received
              b,. each  U.S. mail.  Parcel  post moil is, however, conveyed only  in direct bottom by the
              ~ic:nncrs of the  Canadian  National  Steamships  trading  between  :Monlreul and  Halifax
              1 ~nd  Jamaica once  ~very week,  the  Pickford and Black  Line  trading  between  Halifax,
              ;-U:l. and  Jamaica,  and  United  Fruit Company  trading  between  St. John and Jamaica.
               IV.  CENTRAL AMEmco~.-li•Jail  communication  with  these countries (except East Coast
              of  Nicaraou.a  and  Vcuczuclct)  is  maiotttined  by the steamers  of  t be  "lJniLed  l?ruit  Co.,
              <:ntcl  Line,  f:tandard  Fru t  and "ltt11msh p Co., and Canadi11n Natioonl Steamships, via
              Cristobal, Bnrranquilla, Limon, Belize, Bnrrios, etc.
               V.  WEST INDIA ISLANDS AND BmTrsu G UlANA - Letter and Parcel-post mail to and from
              the  West  India Islands is exchanged by way of Trinidad  nod  Barbados, fortnightly  by
              .\luminum  Line steamers and occasionally by Trinidad Leaseholds  Ltd.  steamers.  The
              (lrnce Line  maintains a  weekly  service  with Haiti.
               The Canadian  National Steamships maintain a  direct service  between  Jamaica,  Ber-
              muda,  and  the  Bahamas.
               VI.  CAYMAN  IsLANDs-A twice-3-month service  is  maintnincd by R.M.S. " Cimboco"
              unci a n irregular  service  by schooners.
               VII.  TuRKs  IsLANDs- A  monthly  mail  service  is  maintained  by  the  M.S.  "May-
              flower."  Letter mail is also exchanged via  New York.   .
               By courtesy of the United F'ruit Company, the following  schedule of routes, etc., of tho
              their regular mail-carrying steamers is furnished.
               NEJW YoRK-JAMAICA-Cor.o~mrA.-PANUIA SERVICE.  A stmmer J.;avcs  Nvw York every
              Wc•dn,-sday and calls at thJ following ports:-
               1{ingston  {arriv -s  and  lcav~s  Sunday),  Pu ,rto  Colombia  (arrives  Monday  lean s
              Tuesday),  Cartagena  (arrives  and Lavcs Wedn ·sday), Cristob~l (arriv..s Thursday and
              J. aves  Friday),  Kingston  (arrive  and  leaves  Sunday), New York (arriv. s Thursday.)
              T h  J  round voyage takes 15 days.  Mail from New York is not  received  by  these  ships_
               BRISTOL-JAMAICA  SERVICE,  FYFns  INE.  (ELDERS  &  FYnE's  LTD.}  An  A-T
              st•amnr  l~aves Bristol  cv"ry  Monday  direct  for  Jamaica. arriving at Kingston ev, ry
              Sunday.  Thes'  steamurs  1 ave  Kingston  every  Tu•sday  direct  for  Hristol, and the
              voyag.1  takvs  13  clays.  Ther J  nro  also  friJQubnt  sailings  of B-Type st:; usually
              sailing from Swans a or Garston fot· Jamaica returning direct to England.
               GRACE  Ltl\'E  st tllners  sail from New York ev ;ry Friday on tho following itinerary:-
              Curacao,  Tu sday;  La  Gu~tira,  Wednesday;  Pto.  Cabello,  Thursday;  Pto.  Colombia,
              Raturday;  Cartagena,  Sunday;  Cristobal,  Monday;  Kingston,  Wednesday;  Cape
              llaitien, Thursday; New York, Monday./
               ~EW YonK-CUBA-JAMAICA-HONDUR<I.S  REnvrce.  A  st)llmer  of  the Standard
              and  Steamship  Company  leaves  ~ew York every Saturday and arrive9 at mngston  on
              following Thursday, I _aving same day for La Ceiba.
               1'ho  following  is  the schedule  of  the  Canadian  1\ ational  Steamships  mail-carrying
                CANADA-BEn."llUDA-NASSA u-BnrTrsu  HONDURAS.
                Canada  (Summer Service)  (During St.  Lawrence River  Navigation).
                Southbound:  Weekly  from  Montre.'\1 1  calling  forthnightly  11t  Bermuda  and  Nassau
              en  route,  arrives  Kingston  every  Monday  (every  other  Monday  direct  from  Montreal
              via  Halifax).
                Northbound:  Every  Wednesday  from  Kingston  for  i\'Iontreal  cn.lling  fortnightly at
              Nassau and Bermuda en route.  (Every other Wednesday direct to Montreal).
                                    Canada-Winter Service.
                Southbound:  Weekly  from  Halifax,  calling  fortnightly  at Bermuda and  ~:tssau en
              rout~,  arrives Kingston every other Sunday and Thursday.  (Arrives direct  from Halifax
              every other Thursday).
                ~orthbound: Weekly from Kingston every other Tuesday and Wednesday for Halifax
              calling  fortbnightly  at  Nassau  and  Bermuda.  (Direct  to  Halifax  leaving  Kingston
              every other  Wednesday).
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