Page 18 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 18

I:-<f,AND  ~[:\.ILS:  OFFICIAL  CORII.8.$l'ONDENCE.   15
                Rules rcga1·ding  Frar1king  of Official  Correspondence.
     t. The cn,·elope or cover of the official letter or other packet may be "franked" under
   :\uthority  of  llis Excellency  the  Governor in  either  of  the  following  ways-(n)  13y  thl'
   impression of nn appr..,,·ed officia l frank stamp; (b)  by lhc signt~turc and official  designa-
   tion  of t he  lle1Ld  of  t.he  Department, or  other duly authorised  officer or functionary on
   the  lower  left  band  corner  of  I he  envelope  or cover.  The  envelope  or  covet·  must  be
   supPrscribed  with  the  words  "On llis  Majesty's Service."
     :2. 'J'he  envelope  or  CO\'Cr  mu~t be  addressed  to  t he  head  of  the department  or  to  a
   public  officer  or  functionary  who  is  entitled  by  tlw  authority of  Hill  Excellency  the
   Governor to recei\'e official  corrcspoudencc free  of churgc for  postabrc.
     3.  Xo  public  officer  "ill be  permitted  to  make use of nny stamp for  franking  letters
   or to frnnk  letters without the nutbority of the Governor.
     4.  Heads  of  Departments and  all  postmasters  must exercise  vigilance  to  prevent any abuse
   of  tha  franking  prtvilegc.  and  any  evasion  or  attcmfJI  to  abuse the privilege.  and any de-
   parture  from the rules  must  be rc)JJrted. with  full  particulars,  to  the Colonial Secretary or to
   the  Postmaster !or J:unaica.
     5.  The fran king of en velop~s, etc., either by means of the fmnkiog stamp or by signature,
   is strictly forbidden, un less the en,·elopes contain at 1 he  time of franking  the ollicial cor-
   respondence  or  matter  to  be  trunsmilled  through  the  post,  subject.  to  the  following
   exception, namely-  .
     That any written or printed mnttcr properly issued in a  franked envelope or coverinJZ
   for  circulation among members of a  board or any body of individuals, and  for  ultimate
   return  to  the office  of issue,  rnay  be passed from one  member of such board or  body to
   another in a n envelope or Co\·ering provided  for the purpose and duly  franked in  t1d \•nnce
   by  a  duly a uthorised  officer.
     N.B.- All  registered  letters,  11osted  by  the  public and  not  franked  as  ab011e  described
   addressed  to  the  officials  named  above  in both lists  A  and  B,  must be  prepaid with the
   regi<Jtration fee  of two  pence,  with the exception of registered letters addressed to  the  Manager
   of  the  Government  Savings  Bank,  Colledors  and  Assisl4nt  Collectors of Taxes, and Chair-
   man,  BanaM  Industry  Aid  Board  which  are  '.DMlly  postage  free.
   ~~m~~~ m~



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