Page 16 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 16

                               O l, f'ICIAL COI?IlE5PONDENCC.
       of  Otlici!lls  and  other  Public  Functionaries  who sand  and  receive  officittl  corres-
                  pondence tlw>ugh  Lhe  inland  post  free .of  charge:
               Assistant Director of J\'lcdical Ht'rviccs   L1spectol' Gonct·al of  Pohco
                 (Health)                   Inspectors of Police
               A Ltorncr General            Inspectors nnd At<SL.  Inspectors of Schonls
               Auditor General              Island T rnmc  Authority
               Burc:~u of Health Education   J udge of the Kingston Court
               Centl. Brd. of Hc.1lth, Chairman oucl Secy.   l<ccper of the Hecords (Not Deputy
               Chainnan, Banana Industry Aid Board,   Keeper: See List B.)
                 lion  G. C. Wainwright     i\Jayor of l{ingston
               Chairman, Central Housing and Advisory   Medical Officers
                 Uoarcl                     ~'ledical Officers (!Icalth)
               Chn rmon, Rum Control Donrd   Medical Officers, Vonerenl  Disease  Clinics,
               Chairman, Unemployment Commtssion   J>Cingston, Monte~,;oilay and Port Antonio
               Chief Corn. Contg. Disease of Animals Law  Medical Officer, Malarin Commission
               Chief Inspecto1· of Agricultural Produce   Officer Commanding T roops
               Chief Justice                Postmaster for Ja mnicn
               Clerk of Legislative Council   Puisne .Judges
               Collector General            Quarantine Board, Chairmnn and Secretury
               Collectors of Customs        Registrar General
               Collectors of Taxes and Assistants   Resident i\llagistratcs
               Colonial Secretary and Assistant   Resid  nt Naval Officer
               Crown Solicitor              Registrar of Business Names
               Custodes of Parishes         Secretary of Assessment Committee,
               DirPctor of Education         Income Tax
               Dir, c1or of 1\I.dical Services   Secretary of Central Board of Health
               Director of P ublic Works    Secretary of Agricultural Loan  ocicties
               Director of Railway           Board
               Director of Tuberculosis Commission   Secretary, Quarantine Board
               Director of Yaws Commission   Senior Medical Officer,  Public Hospital,
               Dir. of Agriculture and Island Chemist (1)   Kingston
               Executive Engineers and Inspectors, P.W.D  Staff Officer of the Local Forces
               Government Electrical Jnspcetor   Stamp  Commissioner  and  Deputy  Stamp
               Government Bacteriologist     Commissioner
               Government Meteorologist     Superintendent  of the Mental Hospital
               Govemment Savings Bank, :.\lnnager of   Superintendents of Public Works
               Governor, His Excellency the   Surveyor General
               Governor's P rimte Secret~ry and A.D.C.   Treasurer
               Inspector of Income Tnx
                T he followinl( may ~end but not receive official correspondence free of cbarge:-
               Administrator  General       Clerks of Courts
               Ad,·isory Board, Rio Cobre Jrrigation  (let- Clerk, Victoria J ubilee Hospital
                ters must bear signature of Engineer,   Comptroller of Jama ica Civil Service
                Mr. A. ~1. HnU)              Widows' and Orphans' Pensions
               Agricultural Superintcndcn t   Deputy J<cepcr of Records
               An li-Tubercu!osi~ Lenguc, Sccret.nry   Deputy  Mann~;er, Manning's Home
               Anti-T uberculo>i~ Lcngue. brMches of, in   Director of Pnsons
                country parishes           Director  of Public Health Bureau
               Cnnadian Trade Commissioner   Elected :Members, kgislnlive Council *
               Chairman Sugar Control Board
                (1)  Letters  for  the  tech\)ical  Officers of the Department of .\ griculture, viz., Agricul-
               tural Superintendent,  Botanist,  Deputy Island  Chemist,  Plant Pathologist, Entomolo-
               gist,  Senior  Veterinary  Officer, Headmaster Farm School,  uperintcndent Experimental
               Station  and  Inspector of Plant Diseases, Superintendent of Agriculture, addressed '·care
               of the Director of .\griculturc," nre delivered free.
                •  Elected  and  nominated  members of  the Le~islntive Council IHn·e  the pridle~e of
               franking letters re!atinl( to public business which they may write in their official cnp!lcity as
               t.nembers of the Council and seoding them through the post free of charge, their Biynotures
               ""d official  designation  to  be  placed on  the em·elope.
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