Page 21 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 21

                                                 DAYS  AND  UOUit.S  OF l'OSTTYG  .U'\'D ARRfVAL.
                                                    E:~;p/anatwn of Mark$ of Reference.
                     I.-Telegraph Offices.  tel.-Telephone Offices.  fly. I.- Railway Telegraph Offices.
              All Offices  trnnsact  parcel  post  business,  but parcels  addressed  to  those  offices  marked "I", wbicb  arc  s~rvcd by  foot-couriers,  arc
                 occasi•)JiaUy  subject to dcl:~y.
              ll<>gistcrcd  let.tcr.> for ollices for  which the mail closes at 6.30 :un. must be posted  not later than 4  p.m. on the previous day.
              Offices printed in SMAJ.L CAl'tTAt.S arc branches of the Govcmm.cnt Savings  Bank.
                                                Close at G. P. 0. Daily.
                                          o -+>          Registered   Arrive at   Lc:we   Arri,·c at   Routing
                                          ~ "'
                                          ~ tll
                    Office.       Parish.   ~·=   Ordinary   letters,  Prints
                                          :::l:ti          and      D . P.O.   D. I'. 0.   G. P.O.   (via)
                                          ,.,;   Letters .   Parcel-post.
              -Aberdeen, l.    St. Eliz.   81  10.00 am.   9.45 a.m.  I 5.15 p.m.   8.00 a.m.   1.55 p.m.  Riloah   r-
             - Above Rocks, tel. I.   Sl. Cath.   18  10.30 a.m.   10.00 a m.   4.20 p.m.   7 .30 a.m.   1.00 p.m.  Stony Hill   >
             -ADELI'IH 1  tel. l.   St. James   120   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   11.20 a.m.   2 .:l0 p.m.   9 .10 a.m.   :\lontc:to Bay and   0
                                                                                               E wart.on
              -Aenon Town      Clarendon   72  10.00 a.m.   9 .45 a.m.   4.50 p.m.   7.45 a.rn.   1.55 p.m.   Shooters Hill   ;.:
                                                1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.•   7.40 ll.lll.   4.55 p.m.   !l.lO a.m.  Brown's Town :1nd  :::
                                                                                               Ewarton       r
             -Airy Castle      St. Thomas   42   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   4.35 p.m.   5.30 11.111.   8.25 a.m.   "'
              -Albt~ny, Ry. t.   St. Mary   42   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.rn.   5 .05 p.m.   8 .00 1\.lll.   10.50 a.m.
                                                                            4.30 p.m.   8 .25 a.m.  Pt. Antonio{by vnn)
              -ALn>:~lT TowN, tel.   Trelawny   103  10.00 a.m.   9.451\.rn.   5.05 p.m.   7.30 n.m.   1.55 p.m.  B!!.lnclavn
              - Aldcrton, l.   St. Ann     51   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.rn.   7.25 n.m.   4.15  p.m.   !l. lO n.m.   Cbrcmont
              -ALEXANDRIA, t.   .. ,   do.   76  10.00 n.m.   !l.45 a.m.   5.55 p.m.   6.40 n.rn.   1.55 p.u..  Shooters 11 ill
                                               1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   6.35 a.m.   6.00 p.m.   9.10 n.m.   Brown's Town and
             -:)_'""'""'" il"'""-·   ' I  Cbrcndon   47   6.30 a.m.   10.50 a.m.   5 .251\.lll.   9 .10 !l.m.   lla,· Pen
                t-I.E\' 1  te. l.
              - Alligator Pond, tel. /.   Mnnches:.Cr   79  10.00 a.m.   !l.45 a.m.   6.55 p.m.   5 .15 :\ .Ill.   1.5."> p.m.   Cro~ Kcys
              - AI.STON 1  le/.   Clarcndon   68  10.00 a.m.   9.45 !\.ID.   4.15 p.m.   8  20 n.m.   1.55 p.m.  Shooters llill
                                                1.30 p.m .   1.00 p.m.*   8.15 a.m.   4.20 p.m.   9. 10 a.m.   Brown·~ Town and
              - ANCHOVY, tc/.   St. James   .. I  105?!  10.00 !\.Ill.   9 .45 n.m.   5.10 p.m.   7 .30 a.m.   1.55 p.m.   Montcgo Bay nnrl
                                               1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.•   8.25 n.m.   4.45 p.m.   !l .lO a.m.   Ewarton
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