Page 22 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 22

--A,-NOTTO DAY, t.   Rt. 1\Jnry   3,0   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   5.50 p.m.   7 .CO  a.m.   10 .. '0 1\.llJ.
                                                                            4.50 pm.   8  ~a.m.  Port Anlonio (hy
            -ASKENISll, !.    Hunov(' r   144  10.00 n.m.   9.45 n.m.   8. 10 am.   4.00p.m.   1.55 p.m.   1
           ,.   -Auchtenobcddic   Manchester   10.00 a  m.   9.45 a m.   3.35 p.m.   9.00 a.m.   1.55 p.rn.   LllCC:rl
            - B ALACLAVA,  t.   St. Elizabeth   7l  lO.OOam.   0.45 a.m.   3.05 pIll.   9.50 a m.   1.55 p.m.
                                               1.30 p.ot.   1.00 p.m."   10.10 a.m.   2.00 p.m.   9.10 a m.   ~Ionki!,O Bay and
            --Balcarr,s, tel. l.   Portland   45   1.30 pm.   1.00 pm.   1o.2l" ,;_   3.10 p.m   10  50 am.  Buff Bay
            -Bamboo, tel. l.   St. Ann     50   1.30 pm.   1.00 pm.   7.10 am.   3.50 pm.   O.lOnm.  Brown's Town and
                                                                                             ~  Ewnrton
            ~anann Ground, l.   Manchester   57~  10.00 a.rn.   9.45 a.m.   3.40 p.m.   9.20n.m.   1.55 p.m.  W illimnsfield
            -Bangor Ridge, I.   Portland   48   1.30 P·'"·   1.00 Pf::.   11.00 a.m.   1.35 p.m.   10 .50 a.m.
                                                                                             I ButT  Bnv
            -Bartons, I.      St.. Cath.   30  10.00 a. m.   9.45 n.m.   3  45 p.m.   8 .00 n.m.   1.55 p.m.  Old Haibour
            -BATH, tel.       St. Thomn~:~   41   1.00 p.lll.   12.30 p.m.   4 .5-5  p.m.   5.15 a.rn.   8.25 a.m.
            -Beckford I\rnal, tel. /.   C'larcndon   51   6.30 a.m.   1.00 p.m.   4.20 p.m.   0.10 a.m.   Chapel ton
             -Beeston Sprin~;, l.   W'morcland   116  ~ 10.00 n.m.   9.45 a.m.   11 .10 a.m.   12.50 p.m.   1  55 p.m.   z
                                                M.,W.   &   F.     T.Th.R   T. Th. S.   1\L, \\.,F.   )  Whitebouse   r  >
                                               3.30 p.m.   3 .00 p.m.t   11.10 a.m.   12.50 p.m.   9.10 a.m.   ~
                                                Tuts., Tb urs. and Sat.   M., W.,  F.   ~r., W., F.   T.,Th.,S.   tl
            - BEI.FIF!LD, tel. l.   St. Mary   42:}   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   7.00 p.rr..   5.40 a.m.        .....
            -'BELLAS  CAT£, l.   St..Cnt.h.   . 34      0.45 a.m.   4.30 p.m.   7.30 n.m .   10.50 a.m.  I Highgate   "'
                                                                                              Old  Harbour
                                              10.00 !l.lll.
            - Bcnsonton, ul. t.   St. Ann   58  { 6.30 n.m.        4.20 p.m.         1.55 p.m.   Kellits & Ewarton
                                               1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   9.4.5 a.m.   1.55 p.m.   9.10 1\.Dl.   C!arcmonL
             -.IlE THEL TowN, tel l.   W'morcland       9.45 a.m.   7 .25 p.m.   I 5 .25 n.m.   1.55 p.m.   Monlpclier
            -BLaCK R 1vEn, t.   St. Eli~abctb   110  10.00 !1..111.   9.45 am.   15.55 p.m.   7.00 n.m.   1.55 p.m.   ~JaJ!gOLLy {daily)   "'
                                           08  10.00 n.m.
                                          104  {3.30 p.m.   3.00 p.m.t   12.10 a.m.   4.50 p.m.   0.10 a.m.   Williamsfield
                                                'l'u· s., 'l'h urs. and Snt.   :--1., w.,F.   ~L,W.,F.  T., Tn., S.
             -BI,ACKSTON•;oot:, /.et.  l.   St. Ann   40   1.30 p.rn.   1.00 .   5.35 p.m.   7.45 a.m.   10. iiO a. m.   Linst.cnd
            - BJuefields, tel.   "\V'morcl:md  ..  118  ~ 10.00 n.m.   9.45 a.m.   8.25 n.m.   3.00 p.m.   1.55 p.m.  \ Rav .-la-~Iar
                                                1\lon., W eel. & Frida.y   T., 'fh. & S.  T., Th. & S.  1\L, W. &  F.  } and 1\fontpclier
                                               3  30 p.m.   3.00 p.m.t   7 .45 a.m.   2.45 p.m.   9.10 n.m.   Dlnck River and
                                                                  !Vf., W. & F.l .\! ., W. &  F.  T. Th. & S. I Willinmsfield
                            ~·-                                    8.50 a.m.   7.20 ll.lll.   9 .10 a.m.
            -Boo WALK, t.     St. Cath.    20t  6  30 u.m.
                                                "'~· TTffl. &  '"'
                                                                            9.30 n.m.  1 10.50 am.
                                               1. 30  p.n1.   1. 00 p.m.   3.50 p.rn.   4.50 p.m.   6.30 p.m.
            - Bonny Gate, t.l. l.   •t  St. Mary   55   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m   3.00 p.m.   10.50 a.m.   Port ~Iaria
                 *Prints~                                          8.55 n.'tL
                 tParcel-post mail is not dispatched  by this route.   t Parcel-post mail c iOSC3  at 0 .45 a. m.   <0
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